DICOPO, MediaLaws and DigiCon research groups are delighted to invite you to a Digital Constitutionalism Roundtable, which will take place online on Thursday, 20 March 2025, 4 PM CET.
For this session, the selected topic is Article 40 DSA: Making Data Access Work.
Article 40 creates opportunities for data access to study systemic risks inherent to the provision of Very Large Online Platforms services. The Commission is currently finalizing its Delegated Act on Data Access, and the first contours of the framework are starting to show. Early observations are that platform can be hesitant to provide data access, but also that courts can be used to enforce data access vis-à-vis those platforms. This webinar brings together legal scholars, computer scientists, digital services coordinators, and civil society to discuss the ins-and-outs of data access under article 40 DSA.
Jacob van de Kerkhof, Utrecht University
Catalina Goanta, Utrecht University
Giulia Gentile, University of Essex
Anda Iamnitchi, Maastricht University
Joschka Selinger, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte
Filip Paspalj, KommAustria
Registration is required here: link